Sunday, 9 October 2011

BMX - The Superman Jump

BMX - The Superman Jump

Jump Starter

If you love showing off on your BMX and you think you are getting good enough to step up to the crazy tricks that the pros do, you will want to try the Superman no-footer. If you can land this mother and ride away with style you are going to look pretty damn cool. This is not for the beginner so make sure you can do some regular 'no footers' with confidence before you embark on this one....

Step one

To start with you are going to need to find a jump that's gonna give you plenty of hang-time, especially when your learning. A table top with a ten foot gap should be a good starter. You can progress to longer faster jump when you build up your confidence.

Step two

Approach the ramp with enough speed to get you easily across, you don't want to be half way though your superman pose and realise you're not gonna make it.

Step three

As soon as you lift off the ramp, slide your feet off two the sides. Do this gently so you don't push the bike away, if you do you wont be able to get it back in time and probably end up in a nasty tangle of limbs and bent metal.

Step four

Push the bike out in front of you smoothly, don't jerk or else you'll lose it, extend your arms into the Superman position, you should be able to get your body flat and horizontal so put your feet together and straighten your legs as if flying like a speeding bullet. The bike should be out in front and parallel with your body.

Step five

Hopefully you are at the apex of your jump about now and no further because the hardest part is still to come. Just because you got into the Superman position it won't count for much until you nail the landing. So start pulling you feet up towards the bike now...

Step six

Get back on the bike as you plummet towards the landing area; make sure you are coming in straight and level. You'll probably need to pull the back of the bike up a bit for a smooth landing

Step seven

Land it, smoothly and in control. Roll to a stop, get off and take a bow and soak up the applause.

huge cat tree

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